
cocoa pods 사용법과 터미널 내용 본문

Xcode Study

cocoa pods 사용법과 터미널 내용

JasonYang 2023. 10. 18. 17:23

Cocoa Pod 사용법과 터미널 내용

터미널창에서 실행함

1) 기본 프로젝트 닫음
2) 파인더에서 프로젝트폴더 오른쪽 클릭하고 현재 폴더에서 새로운 터미널 열기
3) Cocoa Pod 유틸 설치하기
a. sudo gem install cocoapods 입력하고 엔터
   안 되면
   sudo gem install cocoapods -v 1.8.4 입력하고 엔터
b. Cocoa Pod 업데이트하기
   pod repo update 입력하고 엔터
4) 프로젝트 초기화하기 : pod init
5) 라이브러리 설치하기 : pod install
6) 프로젝트 열기
workspace 열기 : open ex12.xcworkspace
7) Xcode 에서 pod 파일 편집
pod 'AlertToast'
pod 'SDWebImageSwiftUI’
 ㄴ  이 두 줄을 입력함
8) 터미널에서 pod install 다시 함
     ㄴ pod install 입력하고 엔터     

- 터미널 명령어 -
pwd : 현재 디렉토리 위치 확인하기
ls : 파일목록 보기
ls -all : 파일목록 상세 보기
open : 파일 열기

터미널 내용

tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 % sudo gem install cocoapods
Password: mac 비밀번호(********)를 입력하고 엔터하기 - 아무것도 나오지 않는 것이 정상임
Fetching cocoapods-core-1.12.1.gem
Fetching cocoapods-1.12.1.gem
Successfully installed cocoapods-core-1.12.1
Successfully installed cocoapods-1.12.1
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-core-1.12.1
Installing ri documentation for cocoapods-core-1.12.1
Parsing documentation for cocoapods-1.12.1
Installing ri documentation for cocoapods-1.12.1
Done installing documentation for cocoapods-core, cocoapods after 3 seconds
2 gems installed
tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 % pod repo update
Updating spec repo `trunk`
tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 % pod init
tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 % ls
Podfile        ex12        ex12.xcodeproj
tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 % pod install
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 % ls
Podfile            ex12
Podfile.lock        ex12.xcodeproj
Pods            ex12.xcworkspace
tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 % open ex12.xcworkspace
tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 % pod install
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing AlertToast (1.3.9)
Installing SDWebImage (5.15.5)
Installing SDWebImageSwiftUI (2.2.2)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 3 total pods installed.
tjoeun02@tjoeunui-iMac-7 ex12 %

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